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Writer's pictureJeremiah Edwards

Welcome to Perception Plus' Blog!


Howdy! My name is Jeremiah Edwards and I'm a Senior Editor at Perception Plus. It is indeed a great pleasure for me to begin our blog which is going to be a tremendous asset for the company. To give context of our grassroots, my father, Jesse Edwards asked me to take a crucial role which was developing the company's website which I immediately jumped on the offer. It has been a life-long dream of his to offer his services of Customer Experience Management to others and Perception Plus became the outlet for him, me and many others to express our God-given talents.

An image saying "Welcome to our blog!"


What to expect...

Over the next few days, once our internal onboarding is complete, expect to receive new articles on the blog weekly as we will be dedicating a lot of time and effort to bringing value to you for free!

Until then, if you haven't already, please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when a new blog has been published, as there is not a set schedule at the moment.


Goodbye for now!

It is with great sadness that I end as I desire to continue writing. If you have any topics regarding Customer Experience Management or anything else our agency offers, please leave them in the comments so we can make posts about them!

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